Business Banking Insight

Business Banking Insight

Business Banking Insight Articles

Netflix Locomotive on Wall Street – New Records

Business Banking Insight

The sluggish start to the year has now taken a new direction for Wall Street. Tech companies written off? Hardly when it comes to Netflix, which is now lifting the entire sector. The hangover that Wall Street suffered after the New Year seems to have subsided. Both the S&P 500 and Nasdaq rose on Wednesday … Continued

Business Banking Insight Articles

United Kingdom Defies Market’s Euphoria

Business Banking Insight

Here’s the British Central Bank’s interest rate decision – Critics warn that the conducted policy may harm the economy. For the third time in a row, the Bank of England leaves its key interest rate unchanged at 5.25 percent, reports CNBC. Thus, the country continues its restrictive monetary policy aimed at keeping British inflation in … Continued

Business Banking Insight Articles

JP Morgan to Lay off 1,000 Employees from First Republic

Business Banking Insight

Earlier in May, JP Morgan acquired the majority stake in First Republic Bank, and now it seems that the troubled bank’s new owner will reduce its workforce by 15 percent. Earlier this year, problems at regional American banks raised concerns about a more widespread banking crisis, as reported by the BBC. Financial firm and commercial … Continued

Business Banking Insight Articles

Experts claim: Europe’s banks are strong

Business Banking Insight

In contrast to several banks in the US, European banks are strong, according to their own assessment and analysts. According to these experts, metrics show that European bank complexes appear stronger and more attractive than their counterparts in the US. This was revealed during the Institute of International Finance conference in Brussels this week, as … Continued

Business Banking Insight Articles

ECB tightens liquidity requirements for banks

Business Banking Insight

Following the collapses of US banks and the banking turbulence in Switzerland, the ECB plans to introduce stricter liquidity requirements for banks. Bloomberg reports that the European Central Bank (ECB) is intensifying its review of banks’ liquidity reserves. The background is the bank collapses in the US and Credit Suisse’s near-collapse in Switzerland before UBS, … Continued

Business Banking Insight Articles

Hedge funds indicate stock market decline

Business Banking Insight

Hedge funds’ returns have been inconsistent in recent years. However, they still carry an aura of being manned by the smartest investors in the investment community. Therefore, their activities are closely monitored by the market. The latest statistics do not reassure the rest of the investment community. According to a compilation by investment bank Goldman … Continued

Business Banking Insight Articles

Business Merchant Services

Business Banking Insight

As a business owner, you know that accepting credit and debit cards is essential to growing your customer base and sales. You also know that finding the right merchant services provider is crucial to ensuring that your customers have a positive experience when they make a purchase from your business. When you’re looking for a … Continued

Business Banking Insight Articles

Finding the right business support

Business Banking Insight

Every successful business needs support to start up, compete and grow. This can range from making sure your business has the right mix of talent available so you can build a skilled workforce, to making sure you’re able to access the right kind of finance when you need capital to grow. Wherever you are in … Continued

Business Banking Insight Articles

Helping your business to grow

Business Banking Insight

Keith Morgan, CEO of the British Business Bank, discusses some of initiatives that the British Business Bank are working on to support growing businesses. The British Business Bank has a clear mission: to change finance markets for smaller businesses so they work more effectively and dynamically. By doing so, we play our part in supporting … Continued

Business Banking Insight Articles

The SME’s guide to finding a better business loan

Business Banking Insight

Taking on short-term debt is an often indispensable means of helping SME businesses grow and weather unplanned demands on cash flow. And in 2017, borrowing is projected to rise. The latest Zurich SME Risk Index shows SMEs plan to borrow an average of £41,770 – a 22% increase on 2016. With hundreds of business banking providers and … Continued